
The Howard Kennedy energy team has vast experience advising clients on high profile energy projects and transactions around the world.

"Wind turbine

Our group advice spans all clean technology projects including wind, solar PV, combined heat & power, energy storage, district heating and cooling, electric vehicles, geothermal and wave and tidal.

Despite recent energy price volatility and an ever changing regulatory and policy framework, there are many new business models and revenue streams emerging creating opportunities for those operating in the sector. In a world of changing rules, regulations and incentives, clarity is key for investments. So you need an adviser who is immersed in the industry and understands it from every angle. Someone who knows how to figure out the possibilities and pitfalls. Who acts fast and gets results.

We touch every part of the energy sector: utility companies, project developers, funders, sponsors, ESCOs and large commercial and industrial consumers. So we know what it takes to navigate the changing landscape and understand what constitutes a 'bankable' investment.

Across all your legal and business requirements, you’ll get direct answers that are free from legal jargon and rooted firmly in the commercial word. Whether it’s advising on corporate structures, project financing and structuring, property procurement, consenting or offtake arrangements.

You’ll have a team behind you who are easy to work with, and who can connect you with the people and organisations you need. In a sector where transformation and disruption are the norm, we’ll make life as hassle-free as possible.

Our team's recent experience


Our lawyers are experts in their fields. Through commentary and analysis, we  give you insights into the pressures impacting business today.