
Renewable energy

Our Energy offering provides clients with advice on energy models for sustainable real estate developments.

"Curved building

Advising real estate developers, investors, and landlords and tenants, our team works closely with clients to understand their energy requirements for sustainable development schemes.

Whether its energy specific planning issues, requisitioning and procuring utilities, incorporating low-carbon, decentralised energy generation solutions into property schemes, district heating solutions or ensuring buildings are energy efficient and meet energy performance requirements, our team is on hand to advise you through every need you have.

Building any new development presents utility infrastructure planning and delivery challenges. Network reinforcement costs can creep upwards and timeframes can be misaligned with the master development programme. Works need to be coordinated between off-site and on-site works, between development-wide works and plot specific works and all need to be coordinated with the wider master development programme and plot development programme (if applicable).

At the same time, laying entirely new infrastructure also presents an opportunity to set the development apart from so many others. It gives the opportunity to gain better control of time and costs and to drive efficiency. It also creates the opportunity to secure higher than statutory standards of energy performance, to offer greater resilience and to build sustainability into the DNA of the development, through deploying on-site low carbon energy generation.

We work with clients with a wide range of different objectives and help them develop a wide range of solutions. We have also worked on enough projects to recognise common features across all approaches and that includes having dealt with many of the likely energy providers and market participants.

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Working closely with you, we'll find the best way to get you quickly and easily from where you are to where you want to be.


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