Inheritance and posthumous conception
The face of modern families is changing.
The face of modern families is changing.
In particular, reproductive technologies make it possible for a child to be conceived after their parent's death.
This raises a large number of issues both ethical and legal. This article deals with inheritance and the hurdles faced by children conceived after the death of their biological parent.
In the case of a woman whose egg is used to conceive a child after her death, the starting position is that there will be no legal connection between her and the child as the woman who carries the child is the legal parent. However, this is a complex area in its own right which will not be covered in this article.
The position is different for men whose sperm is used to conceive a child after death. Since the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Act 2003 came into force, the deceased man will be named as the father on the child's birth certificate (provided that he was the husband or partner of the child's mother).
However, this does not translate into broader legal or inheritance rights for the child. This means that children who have been conceived posthumously using a deceased man's sperm may face particular and unique challenges in inheriting from their deceased father's estate.
We consider various scenarios below:
In conclusion, these scenarios highlight one of a number of legal issues facing modern families where the law in the UK is sadly out of step with modern societal developments. It is hoped that in time there will be law reform to address these issues to bring the law in this jurisdiction more in line with some other common law countries.
[1] S.E. Barton, K.F. Correia, S. Shaler, S.A. Missmer, L.S. Lehmann, D.K. Shah and E.S. Ginsburg, "Population-based Study of Attitudes Towards Posthumous Reproduction" [2012] 98 Fertility and Sterility 735.
[2] N. Maddox, "Inheritance and the Posthumously Conceived Child" [2017] Conveyancing and Property Lawyer
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