Money laundering and AML compliance

Proceeds of crime

When your assets are frozen as the result of an investigation our White Collar Crime team can devise a strategy to minimise the impact on you and your business. 


When you discover that your assets are frozen, it is essential you act quickly and seek legal advice. Our Whit Collar Crime team provides a 24/7 advice line and will guide you through every step of the process.

The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 provides enforcement authorities (such as the NCA, HMRC and the SFO) with a variety of powers to restrain and confiscate assets deemed to be the proceeds of crime.

These are wide ranging and draconian powers which can take the form of cash forfeiture proceedings, account freezing orders, restraint orders, unexplained wealth orders (UWO) and confiscation orders.

Many of these powers can be evoked at the beginning of an investigation, far before any criminal convictions have been secured, and can have a catastrophic effect on those subject to them.

From the initial response to preparing for trial, our lawyers will provide you with responsive and tactical advice, ensuring you comply with any court orders and simultaneously submitting applications for these to be discharged.

Our team tackles the highest-profile and most complex cases with an empathetic, highly personal style. Our clients expect, and are used to, outstanding levels of service. But we understand these cases are of pivotal importance to your reputation, careers, and wealth, and that of your family. So, alongside technical excellence and a robust pursuit of the right outcomes, our offer is characterised by humanity and an appreciation of the impact these cases have on our clients’ lives.

Our Team

Working closely with you, we'll find the best way to get you quickly and easily from where you are to where you want to be.


Our lawyers are experts in their fields. Through commentary and analysis, we  give you insights into the pressures impacting business today.